Ida Marchesini
Write to us for more information

Ideal for: training sessions, wine tastings
Size: 52,13 sqm
Services: Wi-Fi, large screen, 10 tables, 40 chairs
Price: €330 (half day), €660 (full day)
Hours: 11:30 AM - 10:00 PM
Technical Equipment Upon Request
- Free Wi-Fi connection
- Fixed microphones and wireless microphones (by reservation and for a fee)
- Large screen
- Flip charts (by reservation and for a fee)
Additional Services
- Coffee break: €11 per person
- Aperitif: €7 per person
- Informal dinner: €20 per person

Immersive Photography and Virtual Reality
View it in virtual reality (VR) with a headset via your smartphone. Once opened on your phone, rotate it horizontally and click on the headset icon.